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Arrowleaved Balsamroot
  Balsamorhiza sagittata

* Along with Mule-Ears, the yellow masses of flowers on the Wasatch foothills herald the arrival of spring.

* Leaves are gray-green and heavily pubescent, unlike shiny leaves of Mule-Ears. They are not cut as in the Cutleaf Balsamroot.

* Flowers are large, sunflower-like.

* Pioneers and Native Americans ate the starchy center of the root.

* Young shoots are high in vitamin C and were used by Native Americans.

* Sagebrush habitat.

* The entire plant is good forage for deer, elk, sheep, and cover for grouse.


Photo by Susan Marsh, Bridger-TetonNational Forest

Photo can be viewed at http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/regions/intermountain/TetonPass/index.shtml    

Site by M. Scott Reynolds